近年来,人们对可解释的AI(XAI)领域的兴趣激增,文献中提出了很多算法。但是,关于如何评估XAI的共识缺乏共识阻碍了该领域的发展。我们强调说,XAI并不是一组整体技术 - 研究人员和从业人员已经开始利用XAI算法来构建服务于不同使用环境的XAI系统,例如模型调试和决策支持。然而,对XAI的算法研究通常不会考虑到这些多样化的下游使用环境,从而对实际用户产生有限的有效性甚至意想不到的后果,以及从业者做出技术选择的困难。我们认为,缩小差距的一种方法是开发评估方法,这些方法在这些用法上下文中说明了不同的用户需求。为了实现这一目标,我们通过考虑XAI评估标准对XAI的原型用法上下文的相对重要性,介绍了情境化XAI评估的观点。为了探索XAI评估标准的上下文依赖性,我们进行了两项调查研究,一项与XAI主题专家,另一项与人群工人进行。我们的结果敦促通过使用使用的评估实践进行负责任的AI研究,并在不同使用环境中对XAI的用户需求有细微的了解。
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Many works in explainable AI have focused on explaining black-box classification models. Explaining deep reinforcement learning (RL) policies in a manner that could be understood by domain users has received much less attention. In this paper, we propose a novel perspective to understanding RL policies based on identifying important states from automatically learned meta-states. The key conceptual difference between our approach and many previous ones is that we form meta-states based on locality governed by the expert policy dynamics rather than based on similarity of actions, and that we do not assume any particular knowledge of the underlying topology of the state space. Theoretically, we show that our algorithm to find meta-states converges and the objective that selects important states from each meta-state is submodular leading to efficient high quality greedy selection. Experiments on four domains (four rooms, door-key, minipacman, and pong) and a carefully conducted user study illustrate that our perspective leads to better understanding of the policy. We conjecture that this is a result of our meta-states being more intuitive in that the corresponding important states are strong indicators of tractable intermediate goals that are easier for humans to interpret and follow.
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In this paper we propose a novel method that provides contrastive explanations justifying the classification of an input by a black box classifier such as a deep neural network. Given an input we find what should be minimally and sufficiently present (viz. important object pixels in an image) to justify its classification and analogously what should be minimally and necessarily absent (viz. certain background pixels). We argue that such explanations are natural for humans and are used commonly in domains such as health care and criminology. What is minimally but critically absent is an important part of an explanation, which to the best of our knowledge, has not been explicitly identified by current explanation methods that explain predictions of neural networks. We validate our approach on three real datasets obtained from diverse domains; namely, a handwritten digits dataset MNIST, a large procurement fraud dataset and a brain activity strength dataset. In all three cases, we witness the power of our approach in generating precise explanations that are also easy for human experts to understand and evaluate.
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We explore unifying a neural segmenter with two-pass cascaded encoder ASR into a single model. A key challenge is allowing the segmenter (which runs in real-time, synchronously with the decoder) to finalize the 2nd pass (which runs 900 ms behind real-time) without introducing user-perceived latency or deletion errors during inference. We propose a design where the neural segmenter is integrated with the causal 1st pass decoder to emit a end-of-segment (EOS) signal in real-time. The EOS signal is then used to finalize the non-causal 2nd pass. We experiment with different ways to finalize the 2nd pass, and find that a novel dummy frame injection strategy allows for simultaneous high quality 2nd pass results and low finalization latency. On a real-world long-form captioning task (YouTube), we achieve 2.4% relative WER and 140 ms EOS latency gains over a baseline VAD-based segmenter with the same cascaded encoder.
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在深度学习时代,注释的数据集已成为遥感社区的关键资产。在过去的十年中,发表了许多不同的数据集,每个数据集都为特定的数据类型以及特定的任务或应用程序设计。在遥感数据集的丛林中,很难跟踪已经可用的内容。在本文中,我们介绍了EOD -IEEE GRSS地球观察数据库(EOD) - 一个交互式在线平台,用于分类不同类型的数据集利用遥感图像。
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在长时间到数小时的长时间话语中,提高端到端ASR模型的性能是语音识别的持续挑战。一个常见的解决方案是使用单独的语音活动检测器(VAD)事先将音频分割,该声音活动检测器(VAD)纯粹基于声音/非语音信息来决定段边界位置。但是,VAD细分器可能是现实世界语音的最佳选择,例如,一个完整的句子应该整体上可能包含犹豫(“设置... 5点钟的警报”) 。我们建议用端到端的ASR模型替换VAD,能够以流方式预测段边界,从而使细分决定不仅在更好的声学特征上,而且还可以在解码文本的语义特征上进行,并具有可忽略的额外功能计算。在现实世界长音频(YouTube)的实验中,长度长达30分钟,我们证明了相对改善的8.5%,并且与VAD段基线相比,中位段延迟潜伏期的中位数延迟延迟减少了250毫秒。 - ART构象体RNN-T模型。
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端到端(E2E)模型通常通过浅融合伴随语言模型(LMS),以提高其整体质量以及对稀有单词的认可。同时,几项先前的作品表明,LMS容易在训练数据中无意中记住稀有或独特的序列。在这项工作中,我们设计了一个框架,用于检测LM培训数据中随机文本序列的记忆(我们称为Canaries),当一个人只有Black-Box(Query)访问LM融合语音识别器,而不是直接访问到达LM融合语音识别器LM。在与变压器LM融合的生产级构象体RNN-T E2E模型中,我们表明可以从300m示例的LM训练数据中检测到单一疾病的金丝雀的记忆。我们还激发了保护隐私的动机,我们还表明,通过示例梯度倾斜的LM培训而没有损害整体质量,这种记忆会大大减少。
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语言模型(LMS)显着提高端到端模型(E2E)模型在训练过程中很少见的单词的识别准确性,当时在浅融合或重新恢复设置中。在这项工作中,我们介绍了LMS在判别培训框架中学习混合自动回旋传感器(HAT)模型的研究,以减轻有关使用LMS的训练与推理差距。对于浅融合设置,我们在假设生成和损失计算过程中都使用LMS,而LM感知的MWER训练模型可实现10 \%的相对改进,比用标准MWER在语音搜索测试集中培训的模型相对改进,其中包含稀有单词。对于重新设置,我们学会了一个小型神经模块,以数据依赖性方式产生串联的融合权重。该模型与常规MWER训练的模型相同,但无需清除融合重量。
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语言模型融合可帮助智能助手识别声学数据中很少见的单词,但在仅文本语料库中很丰富(键入搜索日志)。但是,这样的语料库具有阻碍下游性能的属性,包括(1)太大,(2)困扰域不匹配的内容,以及(3)重头而不是重型尾巴(很多重复的搜索查询,例如“例如”天气”)。我们表明,选择语言建模数据的三种简单策略可以极大地改善稀有单词的识别,而不会损害整体表现。首先,为了解决重头体,我们根据软日志功能将数据置于示例,从而减少了高频(头)句子。其次,为了鼓励罕见的暴露,我们明确过滤了声学数据中罕见的单词。最后,我们通过基于困惑的对比选择来解决域 - 不匹配,对与目标域相匹配的示例过滤。我们将大量的Web搜索查询量下降了53倍,并获得比没有下调的更好的LM困惑。当使用最先进的生产语音引擎浅融合时,与在RAW COPPUS上训练的基线LM相比,我们的LM在稀有句子上的相对量最多可相对24%(没有整体上) 。通过对现场语音搜索流量进行有利的并排评估,进一步验证了这些收益。
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